“Weeknote 2 – ReaderWriterVille”
I really like how Weeknotes are bringing back a certain style of casual blogging.
The more I read about the North American education systems the more convinced I am that I would have flunked out of it in high school had I been raised there.
I keep forgetting that only comic book nerds like myself know that Shazam was originally known as Captain Marvel. Which means that to weirdos like me we actually have two Captain Marvel movies in the cinema at the moment. 😆
“88% increase in application library vulnerabilities over two years - Snyk”
“78% of vulnerabilities are found in indirect dependencies, making remediation complex - Snyk”
“Have fun asking yourself why on earth a learning-management system needs to know all this…”
“Managing Z-Index In A Component-Based Web Application — Smashing Magazine”
“New WebKit Features in Safari 12.1 - WebKit”
Intersection observers! Web share! Datalists! Good stuff.
This post is perennially relevant:
“No matter how much you try, you can’t stop people from sticking beans up their nose.”
“No One Should Have to Travel in Fear”
“NBC recently reported that CBP maintains dossiers of U.S. citizens and targets lawyers, journalists, and activists”
“Former Mozilla CTO was detained at US border and told he had no right to a lawyer / Boing Boing”
“Daring Fireball: Bad UI: MacOS 10.14’s Software Update Release Notes”