“GitHub - francoischalifour/medium-zoom: 🔎🖼 A JavaScript library for zooming images like Medium”
... works as a web developer in Hveragerði, Iceland, and writes about the web, digital publishing, and web/product development
These are his notes
“GitHub - francoischalifour/medium-zoom: 🔎🖼 A JavaScript library for zooming images like Medium”
“Google AMP lowered our page speed, and there’s no choice but to use it - unlike kinds”
“Link Click Analytics and Privacy - WebKit”
Actually seems quite well thought out TBH.
“Teenager’s UX: Designing for Teens”
“Teens are (over)confident in their web abilities, but they perform worse than adults”
“Art Direction For The Web Using CSS Shapes — Smashing Magazine”
“100 Years of Writer’s Digest (#WritersDigest100): Some Thoughts”
“The ‘Future Book’ Is Here, but It’s Not What We Expected - WIRED”
Interactive media doesn’t need to be associated with the mediocrity that is the digital book to be respectable. It is its own thing. The book doesn’t get to take credit
This is what worries me about current web dev trends: the focus is on visible needs. Accessibility and security get left out
“Educating Your Clients is a Vital Project Management Skill - Viget”
“A Regulatory Framework for the Internet – Stratechery by Ben Thompson”
‘“Free as in puppy” means that you get something for free, but the longterm costs are substantial’
“Animation Performance 101: Measuring with Dev Tools - Viget”
“There Are No Snow Days When You Work Remote - Jennifer Wadella”
“There Are No Snow Days When You Work Remote - Jennifer Wadella”