“Enforcing Accessibility Best Practices with Automatically-Generated IDs”

“GitHub - verlok/lazyload: LazyLoad is a fast, lightweight and flexible script that speeds up your web application by loading images as they enter the viewport.”

“Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 80 - WebKit”

Initial ResizeObserver implementation. Could be interesting.

“Digital dehumanizes work”

“How capitalism captured the mindfulness industry - Life and style - The Guardian”

“Obduracy - Think Different”

“Interactions and complexity”

“The 9 mistakes you don’t know you’re making as a new manager - Signal v. Noise”

Pretty sure every manager I’ve ever had has made many, if not most, of these mistakes.

“One year in still no visa - daniel.haxx.se”

“Embracing Change in Software — Postlight — Digital product studio”

“Stop Trying to Vote with Your Fork ─ Why We Can’t Consume Our Way to a Better Food System”

“Former Mozilla exec: Google has sabotaged Firefox for years”

“Teaching adversarial thinking – Dorothea Salo”

“TFW you learn your titty art was found on the walls of a murder scene. Buckle up for this ride!!”

This is all kinds of weird.

“Integrating the future: An Editoria Community perspective on creating books with Paged Media & Paged.js – Paged Media”

This looks pretty neat.

“GitHub - WebReflection/lazytag: Lazy loading Custom Elements and their styles without even thinking about it.”

Why hello. This is interesting.

“Work harder or the communists will win! - Signal v. Noise”

“Code caching for JavaScript developers · V8”

“How We Measure Standards (and why it’s sort of a problem)”

This is good. (Via @nolan@toot.cafe)

“Fixing the financial dilemma at the heart of our broken tech industry”

“Modes in User Interfaces: When They Help and When They Hurt Users”

”(Why) America is the Canary in the Coal Mine of Global Collapse What Global Collapse Means — and Why Its Risks Are Skyrocketing”

This is the stuff I worry about when I have a bad day.

“The billionaire’s typewriter - Butterick’s Practical Typography”

“Mr. Williams’s claim that Medium is an “ad-free plat­form” is ei­ther com­i­cally ob­tuse or will­fully blind”

“The long, complicated, and extremely frustrating history of Medium, 2012–present » Nieman Journalism Lab”

“The hidden dangers of spreadsheets - Consonance”