A few more reworked photos from last year. These are from the Mont Royal Park Tam-Tams about a year ago.
... works as a web developer in Hveragerði, Iceland, and writes about the web, digital publishing, and web/product development
These are his notes
A few more reworked photos from last year. These are from the Mont Royal Park Tam-Tams about a year ago.
This picture, also from last summer, of a man on the docks in Reykjavík taking photos also just has to be in colour.
This photo, from last summer in Parc Jarry, works much better in colour.
“Silvio Rizzi Releases Reeder 4 for Mac and iOS — Tools and Toys”
My favourite RSS reader has been updated.
“IRC is an ongoing source of abuse and harassment for many of our colleagues and getting connected to this now-obscure forum is an unnecessary technical barrier for anyone finding their way to Mozilla via the web”
“Agnotology and Epistemological Fragmentation“
“After all, most of Silicon Valley in the late 90s and early aughts was obsessed with Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash. How did they not recognize that this book was dystopian?”
Covers an aspect of Discovery that I really enjoyed: the sibling relationship between Spock and Michael.
Truth is fragmenting. It will continue to be so until we realize that what’s at stake isn’t simply information, it’s how we’re building an understanding of the world around us
danah boyd is always amazing and always required reading.
“Michael Tsai - Blog - Collision Course”
“If the majority of apps end up being designed for touch and limited by what UIKit can do, what difference does it make that it’s called macOS?”
“Maybe because I lived through this — maybe because I’m a certain age — I believe that that freedom to use my computer exactly how I want to, to make it do any crazy thing I can think of — is the thing about computers.”
I hate to say this, but this gives me the impression that OER is going to have the same fate in education as Free/OSS has had in tech: become a commodity complement that strengthens the hold that large, centralised silos have over the market.
“Accusations of forced failing grades fly at Arizona State”
‘”We’re in transition from a period where the textbook was the product and the ancillary materials, be they study guides or homework problems, were thrown in for free,” he said. “Now we’re in a situation where the textbook is the commodity and the value added is in the ancillary materials.“’
I guess this is what spring looks like in Montréal.
“London-born baby with British-resident parents denied UK status - The Independent”
I don’t think people outside the UK realise just how hostile it has become towards immogrants.
“CSS masonry with flexbox, :nth-child(), and order - Tobias Ahlin”
“How to Get a Progressive Web App into the Google Play Store - CSS-Tricks”
So, today’s present from me to myself is the first new pen I’ve bought in over a year: the Edison Beaumont Twilight Embers with a 1.1mm stub nib. The ink to the right is J. Herbin’s Améthyste de l’Oural from their 1798 line. It has glitter in it 😄