“ReaderWriterLinks - ReaderWriterVille”
“Reading is just not that popular an activity anymore, even among the most highly educated.”
... works as a web developer in Hveragerði, Iceland, and writes about the web, digital publishing, and web/product development
These are his notes
“ReaderWriterLinks - ReaderWriterVille”
“Reading is just not that popular an activity anymore, even among the most highly educated.”
“The Kui People of Odisha, India – Dylan Goldby – Photographer”
‘WPCampus’ Gutenberg Accessibility Audit Finds “Significant and Pervasive Accessibility Problems”’
“Comics and Graphic Novel sales had their best year ever in 2018”
If you’re wondering why digital comics sales are consistently static: they are mind-bogglingly expensive.
“Adobe tests doubling the price of its Lightroom and Photoshop plan”
So glad I’m not an Adobe user. (I use CaptureOne, which does Fujifilm files much better than Adobe)
“Same-sex marriage legalization associated with reduced implicit and explicit antigay bias - PNAS”
Whoda thunkit? (We did. We all totally did. But it’s nice to see some confirmation)
“Create a responsive grid layout with no media queries, using CSS Grid - Andy Bell”
“Adactio: Links—AMP as your web framework”
“And yet, the article goes on to try convince you to replace HTML with AMP.”
“The Elements of Content Strategy — A Book Apart”
Read for free online.
Going with the May Day theme, Ellen sings Halldór Laxness’s Maístjarnan (The May Star) to the tune he originally intended for the poem. This is easily my favourite version of this poem:
“Details / Summary Are Not [insert control here] - Adrian Roselli”
“Digging Into The Display Property: Box Generation — Smashing Magazine”
“Google Docs Says Chromium-Based Microsoft Edge Is Not Supported”
“Revisiting prefers-reduced-motion, the reduced motion media query - CSS-Tricks”
“Yet Another Entry in the Canon of Wishful Pieces About Microsoft’s Design Team — Pixel Envy”
Microsoft is great at talking about design but don’t seem able to apply it consistently.
“Defending Democracies Against Information Attacks - Schneier on Security”
“Social architecture and the house of tomorrow - Charlie’s Diary”
I particularly like this one. Very ‘park life’.
Another picture from Mont Royal Park last year. Reading outdoors is a thing when the weather is nice.