Casual weekend though: the ‘web as media’ and ‘web as apps’ are two different fields of practice supported by two different industries; two that were initially joined at the hip out of necessity but are now fast diverging.
... works as a web developer in Hveragerði, Iceland, and writes about the web, digital publishing, and web/product development
These are his notes
Casual weekend though: the ‘web as media’ and ‘web as apps’ are two different fields of practice supported by two different industries; two that were initially joined at the hip out of necessity but are now fast diverging.
“Strong Opinions Loosely Held Might be the Worst Idea in Tech”
“(Value ÷ Effort) x Confidence = Priority – Jared M. Spool – Medium”
“Google Thought My Phone Number Was Facebook’s and it Ruined My Life - VICE”
“The Potential Advantages of a JavaScript Whitelist — Pixel Envy”
“Some Amazon Sellers Are Paying $10,000 A Month To Trick Their Way To The Top Of The Marketplace”
“Chromium Blog: Improving privacy and security on the web”
This looks interesting
“The Google Wave Heuristic – Baldur Bjarnason”
“What dooms software projects?”
Another old blog post of mine.
“Bling it up for education – Baldur Bjarnason”
I wrote this over five years ago when I was much angrier about pretty much everything. Still agree with it all—I’d just try to sound less annoyed if I were writing it today.
“The next wave of startups: smaller, scrappier, and making money”
‘“Margin” as Part of Your Decision-Making Process — The Focus Course’
“Utility: Convert SVG path to all-relative or all-absolute commands - Lea Verou”
“Illegible - A Working Library”
“No amount of literacy can counter a system colonized by bots and sociopaths intent on undermining truth itself”
Here’s another example of how colour changes the emotions of a photo: all four pictures are of a silhouette of a family looking out on the pond in Parc Jarry.
Another colour experiment: the sun sets behind a hedge of reeds/straws in Parc Jarry
Colour experiment: silhouetted couple chatting last autumn in Parc Jarry
“The Fall, and Rise, of Reading - The Chronicle of Higher Education”
“To him, trends in English pedagogy and a turn toward standardized testing have upended students’ incentives to read”