Casual weekend though: the ‘web as media’ and ‘web as apps’ are two different fields of practice supported by two different industries; two that were initially joined at the hip out of necessity but are now fast diverging.

“Strong Opinions Loosely Held Might be the Worst Idea in Tech”

“How to take better photos – A Whole Lotta Nothing”

“(Value ÷ Effort) x Confidence = Priority – Jared M. Spool – Medium”

“Avengers: The Legal Endgame - The Beat”

“Google Thought My Phone Number Was Facebook’s and it Ruined My Life - VICE”

“The Potential Advantages of a JavaScript Whitelist — Pixel Envy”

“Some Amazon Sellers Are Paying $10,000 A Month To Trick Their Way To The Top Of The Marketplace”

“What to Expect From Marzipan • The Breakroom”

“The McDonaldization of UX – UX Collective”

“Some Accessibility Resources -”

“Chromium Blog: Improving privacy and security on the web”

This looks interesting

“inessential: The Feature I Most Want in Web Browsers”

“The Google Wave Heuristic – Baldur Bjarnason”

“What dooms software projects?”

Another old blog post of mine.

“Bling it up for education – Baldur Bjarnason”

I wrote this over five years ago when I was much angrier about pretty much everything. Still agree with it all—I’d just try to sound less annoyed if I were writing it today.

“Physical-equivalent privacy – Dorothea Salo”

“The next wave of startups: smaller, scrappier, and making money”

‘“Margin” as Part of Your Decision-Making Process — The Focus Course’

“Building games that can be understood at a glance”

“Utility: Convert SVG path to all-relative or all-absolute commands - Lea Verou”

“Illegible - A Working Library”

“No amount of literacy can counter a system colonized by bots and sociopaths intent on undermining truth itself”

Here’s another example of how colour changes the emotions of a photo: all four pictures are of a silhouette of a family looking out on the pond in Parc Jarry.

Another colour experiment: the sun sets behind a hedge of reeds/straws in Parc Jarry

Colour experiment: silhouetted couple chatting last autumn in Parc Jarry

“The Fall, and Rise, of Reading - The Chronicle of Higher Education”

“To him, trends in English pedagogy and a turn toward standardized testing have upended students’ incentives to read”