“Foundations of Correct Code – Codemanship’s Blog”

“East Iceland Village Pleads With Tourists To Behave Themselves”

This sort of tourist misbehaviour isn’t limited to small rural villages. They do this in Reykjavík as well.

For some reason unknown to me, Davíð Stefánsson’s poem Abba Labba Lá just pops into my head and stays there until I exorcise it by either reading it out loud or playing a video of somebody reading/singing it.


“737 Max 8”

“We, programmers, are killing people. Our errors cause loss, injury, and death.”

“The Real Reason Fans Hate the Last Season of Game of Thrones - Scientific American Blog Network”

This was much better than I expected.

I kinda miss Escape Velocity. Used to be one of my favourite games back in the day.


“The Hidden Cost of “Dependency Drag” – Codemanship’s Blog”

“Why Are Cryptographers Being Denied Entry into the US? - Schneier on Security”

It’s starting to feel like proper spring here in Montréal. About time :-)

“A Complete Guide to useEffect — Overreacted”

Meanwhile in Iceland:

“Abortion Bill Passed in Icelandic Parliament”

It may sound a bit petty of me but I’m regularly annoyed by the stupid paper sizes used here in North America.

“Humans Don’t Hyperscale. Sorry, Silicon Valley”

“When will we wake up to the fact that hyperscaling is a euphemism and a cover for outright fraud.”

“The blessing and the curse of JavaScript frameworks - Go Make Things”

“Integrating Third-Party Animation Libraries to a Project - CSS-Tricks”

“Senate Testimony”

“Thoughts on the W3C’s May 2019 Advisory Board Election”

Agree 100% with everything in this post.

I wonder if there are any web-based open source/free software projects out there that are all-in on lambdas/cloud functions and aren’t developer-oriented? I get the sense that most FLOSS projects shy away from the implicit lock-in.

“A report from the AMP Advisory Committee Meeting – Terence Eden’s Blog”

Pretty sure the advisory committee only exists so that Google can deflect all criticism with “we have a robust AC filled with harsh critics”.

“JavaScript and the mobile-only user - Go Make Things”

‘“A level sufficient to qualify as a vendetta” – Carrie Marshall: Bigmouth Strikes Again’

“Deric’s MindBlog: Ready to pounce - Cat smarts get some attention”

“App Store Pricing - Becky Hansmeyer”

“Digital contributing to climate crisis - Gerry McGovern - Customer experience keynote speaker; user experience keynote speaker”

Basically, regularly upgrading your devices is pretty bad for the environment since most of the emissions are during production.

“Split Buttons: Definition”