“Building an accessible show/hide disclosure component with vanilla JS - Go Make Things”

“Quoting in HTML: Quotations, Citations, and Blockquotes - CSS-Tricks”

“De-quantifying my life - ReaderWriterVille”

“Please don’t buy this: smart doorbells - Malwarebytes Labs - Malwarebytes Labs”

“Subtract - Derek Sivers”

Posting the link to this again (which I found via Brad Frost) because I honestly can’t thinking about the point it’s making. I guess you could say that it is relevant to my life currently.

So, when a coworker posts bad news in a shared Slack channel, what’s the protocol for how long you’re supposed to wait until you start posting interesting links in that channel again?

Asking for a friend.

“Continuing Adventures in Ungrading - Just Visiting”

“It is mind-boggling — MIND-BOGGLING — that folks want to argue that the value of a technology company has little to do with its accrual of data”

“Basecamp’s chat sucks – HeavyMelon Blog”

Despite what the title may imply, this is not a knock on Basecamp

“Julie Pagano - Mid-Career Survival for People Who Don’t Want to be an Attrition Statistic When They Grow Up: Talk Transcript”

“Subtract - Derek Sivers”

“The great personalization con - Gerry McGovern”

“Get out and talk to people”

What he said.

“Asking the Wrong Questions: Notes From the Streamapocalypse”

“I can’t understand what so many people see in a show that, four episodes in, feels thoroughly uninvolving.”

I haven’t seen the other series Abigail reviews but I agree with her on The Mandalorian.

“Responsive Type and Zoom - Adrian Roselli”

“Color.review - Colors that look and work great for everyone”

This looks really useful.

“Homepage - Contract for the Web”

That so many big tech cos support TBL’s effort to fix the web is prima facie evidence that it will accomplish nothing

“The Data Aren’t Worth Anything But We’ll Keep Them Forever Anyways. You’re Welcome.”

My inner nerd is much more psyched about Crisis On Infinite Earths getting the live action treatment than about any of the Marvel movies that are on the way

(The photo is of a hardcover slipcase edition of the original comic)

“Doing It Right - Brad Frost”

A bit sad to look back and realise that I’ve rarely had the opportunity at work to do the job right.

“Qualities That Keep You in a Sick System - Issendai’s Superhero Training Journal — LiveJournal”

“Report: Organizations remain vulnerable to increasing insider threats - Malwarebytes Labs”

It isn’t just a question of whether you trust an organisation with your data but also whether you trust their processes for preventing insider threats.

“A Medium dilemma”

A contrary take on Medium. Contrary as in positive. I don’t find it to be a compelling take but it is the most convincing positive take I’ve seen so far.

Employees of ad/surveillance companies keep pushing for standards/features that invade privacy and undermine the web. And they always get angry online when somebody says that out loud. They think they’re improving the web and feel attacked when somebody points out the harm.

“Deric’s MindBlog: Same-Sex behavior in animals - a new view.”