“W3C Workshop on Permissions and User Consent”

“It may not be sufficient to ask permission - some features may be simply too dangerous to add.”

This is going to come up more and more in standards work, I think.

“I Put Words on this Webpage so You Have to Listen to Me Now - Christine Dodrill”

Made me laugh out loud.

“Render blocking CSS - How to fix it”

“Google warns its employees that Pride protests are against the company’s code of conduct - The Verge”

“In defence of graceful degradation and where progressive enhancement comes in by Adam Silver”

“Design Is Not Neutral - Veerle’s Blog 4.0”

“The Popularity of the 4.7″ iPhone - David Smith, Independent iOS Developer”

“A wee problem – Carrie Marshall: Bigmouth Strikes Again”

“You Pay (Or Maybe You Don’t): Every Layout”

“Always charge. If not for yourself, then for the next person.”

“Catalyst Can Rescue the Mac and Grow the iPad – MacStories”

“Why books don’t work - Andy Matuschak”

Dude has an agenda, mostly mentions shitty story-science books, and has clearly never been taught how to read for learning which is a separate skill from reading for fun. Accidentally makes a couple of good points, though.

I’m going to enthusiastically point everybody again at the excellent “Every Layout”

If you do CSS, then I can’t recommend it highly enough. It’s only been out for a short while and isn’t complete but it’s already changed a lot of my CSS practices.

“Communicating inclusively beyond our products, services and users by Amy Hupe, content designer.”

“So, Gutenberg Didn’t Actually Invent the Printing Press - On the Unsung Chinese and Korean History of Movable Type”

“Fake News and Pandemics - Schneier on Security”

While blog posts along the lines of “I don’t use X for development for Y reasons” are worthwhile, if a tad negative, they do tend to inspire pretty poor discussions in social media.

‘Iceland Passes Major Gender Identity Law: “The Fight Is Far From Over” - The Reykjavik Grapevine’

“Accountability, Equity, and Flat Teams in Tech - The Bias”

“Algorithmic Design”

“The layout of web content is innately algorithmic”


“Private Git Repositories on iCloud”

This is very clever.

“It’s finally possible to code web apps on an iPad Pro”

“Send Outgoing Webmentions”

“CSS Day 2019: some things I learned”

‘The Problem With “Content”   – On my Om’

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