“Yes world, there were horses in Native culture before the settlers came”

“Into the Personal-Website-Verse · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer”

“Don’t disable buttons while submitting forms with ajax - Go Make Things”

“Accessible Custom Focus Indicators – UX Collective”

“Why Is Sunscreen ‘Better’ in Europe?”

After ~30 months here in Canada my impression is that your average North American product is of a noticeably lower quality than its European equivalent, but they ‘make up’ for it by having a much broader range of high end products

“Nobody talks about the real reason to use Tabs over Spaces”

This is a pretty compelling reason. Esp. if you are writing open source code.

“Maybe You Don’t Need a Date Picker”

“Civic honesty around the globe - Science”

“In contrast to what rationalist theories of economics predict, citizens were more likely to return wallets that contained more money. The findings also reveal a high level of civic honesty across nations.”

“Emoji input on macOS - BrettTerpstra.com”

“A lengthy ramble through many responses to that FaceTime Attention Correction tweet (4 Jul., 2019, at Interconnected)”

“User Inyerface - A worst-practice UI experiment”

“Breaking Up With Social Media · Chris Krycho”

“Tinderbox: SummerFest 2019”

A lot of really good Mac software on sale here.

“Eva Design System: Deep learning color generator”

“Restricting a (pseudo) element to its parent’s border-box - CSS-Tricks”

I love this. Very clever.

“Haunted: Hooks for Web Components - CSS-Tricks”

I’ve been using haunted and it works really really well.

“Why Are Octopuses So Smart? - The Atlantic”

“Some (More) Personal News: Independence Day — @glecharles — As in guillotine…”

This guy clearly aspires to become a member of the prestigious ‘top ten most disastrous tech CEO hires of all time’ list https://www.theregister.co.uk/2019/07/02/npm_abandons_settlement_talks/

“The Petrie Multiplier”

“The amount of sexism experienced by women compared to men goes as the square of the gender ratio in Tech”

“Superhuman is Spying on You » Mike Industries”

Yet more evidence that the tech/software industry is fundamentally unethical.

“We Need to Slow Down Communication – OneZero”

“Manifesto for Public Philosophy (guest post by C. Thi Nguyen) - Daily Nous”

“Why Did I Have Difficulty Learning React? - Snook.ca”

“rsync, GUIs, power, control, design, and decisions · BLOG Progress Process”