“Drive-by Redesigns – Jorge Arango”

“Modern CSS win - Andy Bell”

“Scapegoating Libraries for Declining Sales. Again.”

“Let’s be honest. With few exceptions, publishers don’t really know what drives most book sales”

“Tobias S. Buckell: Author, Speaker, and Futurist”

“Cognitive Maps, Mind Maps, and Concept Maps: Definitions”

“Michael Tsai - Blog - Shape Up”

Bookmarking in case there’s a discussion later. I’m a huge fan of Basecamp’s process book.

“Facebook As Your Debt Collector, and the Prospects for Libra”

“How to Kill IE11 - What the Deaths of IE6 and IE8 Tell Us About Killing IE - Mike Sherov”

“Initial thoughts on standardizing form controls - Greg Whitworth”

“Show Progress - SHAPE UP”

I am so loving this book.

“We’re told that too much screen time hurts our kids. Where’s the evidence? - Andrew Przybylski and Amy Orben - Opinion - The Guardian”

You can tell that I’m in Iceland from the fact that my caffeine intake increases by an order of magnitude. (Coffee is to socialisation in Iceland what beer and high-functioning alcoholism is to socialisation in the UK.)

“Wrapping Algorithms in Empathy - Becky Hansmeyer”

“Mental strain of delivering excellent service - Gerry McGovern - Customer experience keynote speaker; user experience keynote speaker”

Wow, Dropbox really did completely ruin their desktop app, didn’t they? It’s now such a performance hog that I can’t keep it running in the background anymore.

A day late for caturday but here are a few photos of my sister’s cat Flækja (‘Complication’ in Icelandic, or ‘knot too messy to untie’).

“The Single Best Way to Take Notes · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer”

“Pixels of the Week – July 14, 2019, by Stéphanie Walter - UX designer & Mobile Expert.”

“How to Design an E-Commerce Website (with Examples) - Snipcart”

“Margaret Hamilton: ‘They worried that the men might rebel. They didn’t’ - Technology - The Guardian”

“The last thing your business needs is more metrics”

”…measurement of productivity does not improve productivity.”

W Edwards Deming, “Out of the Crisis”, p15

“The Decline of Historical Perspective”

“Developers don’t understand CORS - Chris Foster”

“It’s not just Zoom. Anecdotally, lots of developers I’ve talked with don’t understand well how CORS works.”

“Content or design first? - DESK Magazine”