Garðsviti with Snæfellsjökull in the distant background.

An old lighthouse framed by a white beach in the foreground and a hazy, distant glacier in the background.

Been seeing a bit of the countryside during my visit home to Iceland

Horses grazing. Snæfellsjökull glacier is visible in the distance.

“Meaning without markup: Accessibility Object Model”

“What great managers do: Prune - Signal v. Noise”

Am I the only one who relied on desktop Slack having less support for multiple workspaces to maintain a work life balance? (I had work slacks segregated into Chrome apps that I closed at the end of the work day.)

‘“It’s not your fault, mom.” – Jon Udell’

“Why Are So Many Scholarly Communication Infrastructure Providers Running a Red Queen’s Race? - Educopia Institute”

“CSS Animation Libraries - CSS-Tricks”

“Scrolling is easier than clicking”

“The story of Recycling is the Story of Intentional Misdirection”

“Form design: from zero to hero all in one blog post by Adam Silver, designer based in London, UK.”

So many good ideas here that I’m strongly considering buying his book on form design.

“Satellite Images Show Vast Swaths of the Arctic On Fire”

“#NoSoftware - Think Different”

“Are your customers low or high information? - Gerry McGovern - Customer experience keynote speaker; user experience keynote speaker”

“Do-nothing scripting: the key to gradual automation – Dan Slimmon”

“The Paradox of Tolerance In Online Spaces – Chris’s Design & Development”

“ - The Web Can’t Survive a Monoculture”

“Ralph Lavelle: On resilience”

“rwot9-prague/ at master · WebOfTrustInfo/rwot9-prague · GitHub”

“ · master · spritely / OcapPub · GitLab”

“JavaScript frameworks are better for accessibility (and other myths) - Go Make Things”

“The Bottom Feeder: The Glorious, Profitable, Inescapable Art of Addiction”

“Dropbox Widely Distributed Their New Shittier Desktop App Today — Pixel Envy”

“WTF are you doing to Harlequin and Carina, HarperCollins? - ReaderWriterVille”

“Frontend Design, React, and a Bridge over the Great Divide”