“Evgeny Morozov, Digital Socialism?, NLR 116/117, March–June 2019”

“Why I Have a Website and You Should Too · Jamie Tanna - Software (Quality) Engineer”

“Bear 1.7 Brings Note Locking, New Themes, Emoji Auto-Complete, and More - MacStories”

I’m a huge fan of Bear.

“The Online Photographer: Dont’ Worry, You’ll Be All Right”

“camera and lens sales are still more than three times what they were in the film era”

This is the thing people forget about declines that come after massive growth, like what happened to blogs.

“An Apple Developer for 10 years”

“Mechanics who hate cars - Austin Kleon”

“the bullet hole misconception - daniel g. siegel”

Back in Iceland. Feels like I’ve only been away a month.

Oh, wait. I have only been away a month.

“Are Plastic Bag Bans Garbage? : Planet Money : NPR”

“inessential: On the Many NetNewsWire Feature Requests to Show Full Web Pages”

I really like the way Brent thinks about software design and development. (Not surprising, since I really like the apps he’s made 😁)

“Adam Tinworth - A walk through the blogging graveyard”

“Hiring UX Professionals: 3 Critical Mistakes to Avoid”

Many of these points apply to hiring for other kinds of positions as well.

“iCloud Clusterfuck • furbo.org”

“Networked Communities 2 - Blogging as a Social Act”

“How to Flip an App for Profit - Becky Hansmeyer”

An interesting presentation by Rich Harris explaining to a React crowd why Svelte fits his brain better

Make sure to open the speaker’s notes.

“Manton Reece - Mastodon remote follow”

“Mark Bernstein: Gamergate”

“Meanwhile, Wikipedia’s coverage drift’s further and further to the right”

“A Year of Working Remotely » Mike Industries”

“Don’t get locked up into avoiding lock-in”

Part 3

“Another Network is Possible”

“Our Industry Needs to Invest in Childcare, Especially for Conferences - Features - Source: An OpenNews project”

“UX Metrics: Identify Trackable Footprints and Avoid the Woozles — UX Articles by UIE”

“Why the Future of the Global Economy is About Climate Change”

“Your mental health for sale - Privacy International”