“Digital is garbage”

Not wrong

“Where did the web’s personality go? - Inside Design Blog”

“Caniuse and MDN compatibility data collaboration - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog”

This is good news.

“Don’t get locked up into avoiding lock-in”

With this final installment I’m pretty sure this has become the definitive article on the subject of lock-in and OSS.

“What we get wrong about meetings – and how to make them worth attending”

“For subordinates, meetings are often the things that get in the way of doing their job. For the person with the power — the manager — meetings are the job”

“Marketing Memos: Content, Commerce, and… Libraries?”

“AI in Education Hype: Feel Like I’ve Seen This Play Before - Just Visiting”

“O whatever God or whatever ancestor that wins in the next life”

“Organic Product Development and Authentic Design :: UXmatters”

“Why You Need a Dedicated CSS Developer - Toptal”

“Lambdascam: Income Share Agreements are just predatory loans - Christof Rindlisbacher”

“On Joi and MIT - Lessig - Medium”

If there’s one thing Lessig unwittingly proves with his post, it’s that guys will always, always choose their friends over not only the wellbeing of others but also their own emotional wellbeing

“Writing and survivorship bias”

“Why you shouldn’t trust people who support sexual predators – Valerie Aurora’s blog”

“New App Prototype: Prompts - daverupert.com”

“Facebook’s Open Source Community Is Reckoning With Toxicity and Harassment - VICE”

“Pixels of the Week – September 8, 2019, by Stéphanie Walter - UX designer & Mobile Expert.”

Always full of good stuff.

“6 reasons polished concrete is the worst kind of office flooring - Alex Hillman”

Tired of polished concrete floors.

“Should a CEO write code? – Berkshire Publishing”

“The Epstein scandal at MIT shows the moral bankruptcy of techno-elites - Jeffrey Epstein - The Guardian”

“Kickshitter – On my Om”

“E.T.: Why it was a victim of its own schedule — Wireframe”

“How to motivate employees? Don’t. - Know Your Team - Blog”

“How to put an HTML page on the internet - Julia Evans”

“How An Élite University Research Center Concealed Its Relationship with Jeffrey Epstein - The New Yorker”
