“My Repo, My House, My Rules - hueniverse”
I know people find Eran Hammer abrasive and hard to deal with, but he’s also frequently Not Wrong™.
... works as a web developer in Hveragerði, Iceland, and writes about the web, digital publishing, and web/product development
These are his notes
“My Repo, My House, My Rules - hueniverse”
I know people find Eran Hammer abrasive and hard to deal with, but he’s also frequently Not Wrong™.
Ugh. I see that I’m back in the land of the crap electric kettles.
An Icelandic beer at the airport has become a bit of a departure ritual for me.
“Into the web multiverse - Christian Heilmann”
A very interesting read.
I see that Google’s browser devs are back at presenting, Apple’s iOS browser policies, the one thing currently preventing an all-out Chrome browser monopoly as anti-competitive.
And they’re pretending that universally shitty web apps magically stop being shitty in Chrome.
“You Pay (Or Maybe You Don’t): Every Layout”
I like this.
“An Explanation of How the Intersection Observer Watches - CSS-Tricks”
“Gladwell’s catchphrase factory has shut down – On my Om”
“This won’t be the first time Gladwell has stretched the facts to fit the story. It is how he became a mega-rich best selling author.”
“Looking back at the Snowden revelations – A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering”
“Code Craft’s Value Proposition: More Throws Of The Dice – Codemanship’s Blog”
“Evolutionary design works better when we test our software in the real world more frequently”
This seems clever.
“Elementary, my dear Watson! or, why secure DNS is a good thing – Dorothea Salo”
“Why Do Some People Love Reading? - The Atlantic”
IMO the best way to get kids to read is to get their parents to read for pleasure first.
This highlight of the lesser known new API features in iOS hammers home how far ahead native app platforms are in every way except one: hypermedia. As an app platform, the web vs native is like comparing 90s era Windows to today’s macOS
“Media Accounting 101: Appholes and Contracts — Roden Explorers Archive”
Read this if you’re in media or publishing.
‘“Stateless” – You Keep Using That Word… – Codemanship’s Blog’
“The joy and challenge of developing for KaiOS - Read the Tea Leaves”
“Secrets about People: A Short and Dangerous Introduction to René Girard – alexdanco.com”