“Q&A with Sam Missingham, The Empowered Author - whitefox”

“Last impressions first – a flipped approach to web design - Axess Lab”

Using the peak-end theory to guide design. Clever.

“The Online Photographer: That Magic Lens”

“The Quantum Computing Breakthrough + Other Nonsense – On my Om”

“Enthused about UVA’s New Approach to Gen Ed - Just Visiting”

“up against a world where being well-rounded isn’t worth anything tangible, it’s tough to value it.”

Unpopular opinion (maybe?): the best soundtrack album for a comics movie is the one Prince did for the 1989 Batman.

And the second best is Madonna did for Dick Tracy: I’m Breathless. 😎

“What I Like About Writing Styles with Svelte - CSS-Tricks”

I’m a huge fan of Svelte.

“The Horizon of Inquiry - Mule Design Studio - Medium”

“Infinite Scrolling & Role=Feed Accessibility Issues - Deque”

“marcus.io · Fata Morganas in Accessibility”

“Six Reasons Why iOS 13 and Catalina Are So Buggy”

There aren’t many books that are so good that I have no hesitation in buying the second edition when it comes out but Just Enough Research is one of them.

One of the more useful books I’ve ever read: abookapart.com/products/…

“Shut Down the Parent Portals: The Dangers of Real-Time Data - Just Visiting”

“GitHub - evert/ketting: Ketting is a Hypermedia client for javascript”

This is very very clever.

“Using the Platform - Web Performance Consulting - TimKadlec.com”

“Breaking barriers with your CMS”

“Why Richard Stallman doesn’t matter”

“Folks closest to the FSF community were so myopic about completing GNU for Stallman’s laptop that nobody did anything about the big picture”

“inessential: SwiftUI Is Still the Future”

So many of the things Apple has been shipping lately is still in the “great idea, doesn’t quite work yet” territory.

“Run End-to-end Tests from Markdown Files - Better world by better software”

Basically a way to use documentation examples as tests.

“Latest Firefox Brings Privacy Protections Front and Center Letting You Track the Trackers - The Mozilla Blog”

Firefox is bringing all the goodies today.

“Firefox 70 — a bountiful release for all - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog”

“Zimmermann’s Law: PGP inventor and Silent Circle co-founder Phil Zimmermann on the surveillance society – On my Om”

“Big data intentionally creates a concentration of data and has a corrupting influence. It really concentrates the power in the hands of whoever holds that data — governments, companies.”

“Asynchronous Communication: The Real Reason Remote Workers Are More Productive”

I honestly miss working remotely.

“Skip level meetings: What they are, and exactly how to run them - Signal v. Noise”

If you don’t hold meetings with your direct report’s direct reports (i.e. skip level meetings), literally months can pass before you find out that a serious problem is festering.

“How we handle Kiwi.com’s design system with Figma • rojcyk.com”