“Last impressions first – a flipped approach to web design - Axess Lab”
Using the peak-end theory to guide design. Clever.
“The Quantum Computing Breakthrough + Other Nonsense – On my Om”
“Enthused about UVA’s New Approach to Gen Ed - Just Visiting”
“up against a world where being well-rounded isn’t worth anything tangible, it’s tough to value it.”
Unpopular opinion (maybe?): the best soundtrack album for a comics movie is the one Prince did for the 1989 Batman.
And the second best is Madonna did for Dick Tracy: I’m Breathless. 😎
“What I Like About Writing Styles with Svelte - CSS-Tricks”
I’m a huge fan of Svelte.
“Infinite Scrolling & Role=Feed Accessibility Issues - Deque”
There aren’t many books that are so good that I have no hesitation in buying the second edition when it comes out but Just Enough Research is one of them.
One of the more useful books I’ve ever read: abookapart.com/products/…
“Shut Down the Parent Portals: The Dangers of Real-Time Data - Just Visiting”
“GitHub - evert/ketting: Ketting is a Hypermedia client for javascript”
This is very very clever.
“Using the Platform - Web Performance Consulting - TimKadlec.com”
“Why Richard Stallman doesn’t matter”
“Folks closest to the FSF community were so myopic about completing GNU for Stallman’s laptop that nobody did anything about the big picture”
“inessential: SwiftUI Is Still the Future”
So many of the things Apple has been shipping lately is still in the “great idea, doesn’t quite work yet” territory.
“Run End-to-end Tests from Markdown Files - Better world by better software”
Basically a way to use documentation examples as tests.
Firefox is bringing all the goodies today.
“Firefox 70 — a bountiful release for all - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog”
“Big data intentionally creates a concentration of data and has a corrupting influence. It really concentrates the power in the hands of whoever holds that data — governments, companies.”
“Asynchronous Communication: The Real Reason Remote Workers Are More Productive”
I honestly miss working remotely.
“Skip level meetings: What they are, and exactly how to run them - Signal v. Noise”
If you don’t hold meetings with your direct report’s direct reports (i.e. skip level meetings), literally months can pass before you find out that a serious problem is festering.
“How we handle Kiwi.com’s design system with Figma • rojcyk.com”