“Apps Built With Electron 6 and 7 Are Currently Being Rejected From the Mac App Store — Pixel Envy”
Most responses to this news were along the lines of “Apple bad” but it also looks like Electron just isn’t a particularly reliable platform to build on.
“Different Goals, Different Strategies”
‘As we each become more focused on executing the strategies aligned with our specific goal, the more the differences in our goals “get real.”’
“Tech and Liberty – Stratechery by Ben Thompson”
Makes the point that the problem with political ads on Facebook is the targeting not ads themselves.
“How to stay motivated in photography — aows”
Applies to more than just photography.
“Principles for professional front end development - Go Make Things”
“Media Accounting 101: Books, Appholes & Publications — by Craig Mod”
This is a far better overview of modern media than you’d guess from the title.
“4-Day Workweek Boosted Workers’ Productivity By 40%, Microsoft Japan Says”
Knowledge work cos that try out a four day work week consistently see gains like these.
“What I’ve learned about accessibility in SPAs - Read the Tea Leaves”
This is good.
Is it just me or is Safari in iOS 13 extremely buggy? Especially if you have a service worker?
That feeling when a bug that’s been occupying your day actually turns out to have been a bug in the hosting platform: stackoverflow.com/questions…
The fact that the macOS app store seems to think that half of the apps I use aren’t installed when they actually are, does not inspire me with confidence in Apple’s overall software quality.
If web dev were a rational job env we’d be seeing much more specialisation—CSS-only positions, markup and accessibility specialists, etc—instead of a proliferation of full-stack generalists.
It’s clear that something’s off www.baldurbjarnason.com/the-weake…
This seems interesting:
“ongoing by Tim Bray · Subscription Friction”
Yet another micropayments proposal. Tech people: the reasons why micropayments don’t work are psychological and socioeconomic, not technical. Google “penny gap” for background.
“iOS vs. Android App UI Design: The Complete Guide – Learn UI Design”
If I had to pick one book that I think is the most relevant one for our times it would be Joseph Tainter’s The Collapse of Complex Societies for reasons that should be obvious from the title alone.