“Why Gutenberg Was The Last Straw - Paul Craig”

“Der Spiegel journalist messed with the wrong small town”

“They’re the Huffington Post of 2008 with a paywall.”

“Medium has developed a “voice” — it’s fluffy, shiny, high-concept, but low depth.”

“Recalibrating Our Approach to Misinformation - EdSurge News”

“as days pass by — Why isn’t it their job”

“The secret is: if you use semantic HTML, then they do the work, not you. Their browser does the work, not you.”

“SpeedCurve - JavaScript growth and third parties”

“The Mere Wife - A Working Library”

“This is a take on Beowulf, and it’s masterful.”

“Styling a Select Like It’s 2019”

I had no idea that natively styling select elements (no trickery, just CSS) had come this far.

“Big ol’ Ball o’ JavaScript - Brad Frost”

“The web is not a Google product. We ought to do everything we can to spoil their attempts to make it one.”

“I don’t believe Google would conspire to push Chrome and punish competing browsers”.

The reason why modern tech cos are so immoral is that they don’t require conspiracies to do evil. Bog standard incentives and perfomance reviews are all they need. (Yes, I’m subtweeting)

“Google isn’t the company that we should have handed the Web over to”

“Google has on a number of occasions used its might to deploy proprietary tech”

“one of the reasons we decided to end EdgeHTML was because Google kept making changes to its sites that broke other browsers, and we couldn’t keep up”

Patently dishonest and anticompetitive behaviour that affects Firefox as well

“Remove Background from Image – remove.bg”

“Adactio: Journal—Browsers”

Finishing a major project milestone and then immediately going on a two week (ish) break feels very nice.

“SQLite bug impacts thousands of apps, including all Chromium-based browsers - ZDNet”


“Using aria-live”

“GitHub - GoogleChromeLabs/quicklink: ⚡️Faster subsequent page-loads by prefetching in-viewport links during idle time”

This looks interesting

“xkcd: arXiv”

“ongoing by Tim Bray · SF-1: What Is Serverless?”

“If you can’t see the servers in the service, then it’s serverless. Yeah, they’re still there, but the whole point is that you can mostly not worry about them.”

“ongoing by Tim Bray · SF-2: Why Serverless?”

“Using aria-live”

“What happens when packages go bad? - JakeArchibald.com”

The sort of thing that keeps you up at night.

“Protecting Your Site With Feature Policy — Smashing Magazine”